Quarry Mikulov


Radovan Popovský

Opening Hours

The access to the water area from 15th June to 15th September between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM is regulated to a maximum of 100 people at one time and is CHARGED!!


Price List

Rules of Operation

In the nature reserve it is forbidden
  • entry of vehicles
  • entry with dogs
  • jumping into the water
  • smoking and consuming narcotics
  • entry under the influence of alcohol
  • entering outside designated areas
  • catching and hunting animals without the consent of the CHKO Pálava administration
  • littering
  • camping, bivouacking
  • making a fire
  • bringing glass objects
Lom Mikulov

Visitors are obliged
  • to maintain cleanliness and order
  • to clean up produced waste
  • to behave politely and considerately towards other visitors and the environment
  • not to enter the water with unsuitable sunscreens that pollute the water
  • children under 15 years are allowed only accompanied by persons over 18 years
  • staying in the nature reserve is at your own risk
  • the operator is not responsible for your safety or property
  • in case of gross violation of the visiting rules, the visitor will be expelled from the nature reserve Quarry Janičův vrch
  • By entering the area and paying the entrance fee, the visitor agrees to the visiting rules
Lom Mikulov


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Quarry Lake Janičův vrch

Since 2014, Janičův Vrch Quarry has been declared a natural monument. It encompasses the entire area of the flooded limestone quarry near Mariánský Mlýn and its immediate surroundings. Janičův Vrch (historically 332 m above sea level) rose to the northwest of Svatý Kopeček, separated only by a narrow pass. After its excavation, rare plants survived here only in minimal amounts. The original rocky grassland with rare and endangered species, such as Linaria biebersteinii, Festuca badensis, Primula minima, and Campanula sibirica, is preserved on the remainder of the western foot, transitioning to a fragment of Centaurea grassland. In the remnants of broadleaf dry grasslands on the former southeastern foothills, species such as Gentianella praecox, Sanguisorba officinalis, and Doronicum austriacum still survive.

The current water surface of the flooded quarry is a significant refuge for piscivorous birds such as Ardea cinerea, Nycticorax nycticorax, Alcedo atthis, and Pandion haliaetus. In addition to the familiar swallows, the quarry is occasionally home to the Tyto alba, the largest owl in our country. The water in the quarry also attracts amphibians; you can spot species such as Rana lessonae or Rana esculenta, and occasionally the Triturus vulgaris and Bombina bombina. Our most common snake, Natrix natrix, feeds on amphibians in the quarry.

The monument is freely accessible. Only during the summer months of June to September is visitor numbers limited to a maximum of 100, and an entrance fee applies.

Zdroj: mikulov.cz/turista/sluzby/chranena-uzemi-a-rezervace/lom-janicuv-vrch


Phone: +420 721 707 417
Email: radovanpopovak@gmail.com